Hawaii's Notorious Burlesque Sweetheart, a Historian of Honolulu Burlesque presents her tassel-twirling exploits in Paradise! A collection of all things pertaining to Burlesque, Cabaret & Vaudeville in the State of Hawaii both past and present!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hawaii Burlesque History

I've been thinking alot about long-term projects and I'm fascinated with researching & cataloging Hawaii's burlesque & stage show history. 

I've been a "research associate" in the working world and I LOVE history, especially Hawaii history, so this seems like a perfect nerdy fit for me! 

Part of my research included trying to find performers/musicians/promoters/whoever, who were around in the golden days of burlesque in Hawaii, and while I cant share it all here, there are some very interesting stories! 
I was able to meet with Mr. Jack Cione, who is a nightclub legend in Honolulu. He was responsible for populating our island stages with buxom women from far flung places and was a popular, beloved and controversial figure. We spent several hours together talking about the old days of Hawaii stage shows and burlesque and I definitely came away feeling as if I'd been charmed by a true Showman. I'm looking forward to working with him on several projects to try to preserve our local burlesque heritage!

Here's some info on Jack:

I learned so many amazing details from Jack! For instance, did you know that Hawaii was a "spoke" on the wheel of travel for Burlesque performers in the 50's and 60's? Some of the famous names that performed and vacationed here:
-Lili St. Cyr
-Blaze Starr
-Mae West

There were MANY MORE! I'm looking for them and anyone with stories, material or experience that relates to this topic. If you know anyone please feel free to email me at violettaberetta@gmail.com

I'm stoked to be able to share this VERY OLD photo from the collection of Jack Cione, of a 1950's burlesque show, at the infamous club "Forbidden City" in Honolulu.

Here's a pic of me and Jack!
Stay tuned for more Hawaii Burlesque History! XOXO V