Hawaii's Notorious Burlesque Sweetheart, a Historian of Honolulu Burlesque presents her tassel-twirling exploits in Paradise! A collection of all things pertaining to Burlesque, Cabaret & Vaudeville in the State of Hawaii both past and present!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hawaii Burlesque & Stage Show History, Venue Profile on: The Forbidden City, now just a memory.

Aloha All,

Continuing in the vein of Hawaii Burlesque History, I'm trying to find information on the notorious "Forbidden City" and nightclub owned by Jack Cione, which offered strip & stage shows to local audiences in the 60's - 80's (actual timeline TBD) The club was located near the corner of Kapiolani & Kalakaua Blvds, first in the space that now houses the Old Spaghetti Factory and then in a location at what is now Century Center.

There is VERY LITTLE about this club online, so I'm taking the search to the library and other state agencies, hopefully to uncover some interesting facts.

INTERESTING FACT:  Did you know Screamin' Jay Hawkins was brought to the islands to perform at the Forbidden City? Needless to say, he had a flair for the dramatic, as shown in this excerpt from his online bio:

 "In Honolulu Jay Hawkins meets and marries Virginnia Sabellona, a very pretty woman six years his junior. The nuptials do not please Pat, who plunges a nine-inch butcher's knife into Jay's chest, puncturing his lung and diaphragm. So her services are eventually dispensed."

If you or anyone you know would like to share information, memories or photos etc please drop me a line via this blog or at my email: violettaberetta@gmail.com

I have a few photos, which I will share at a later date, but for now, here are some links:

An interesting discussion by kama'aina that remember some of Honolulu's older hotspots... including the Forbidden City!

A excerpt from "Land & Power in Hawaii, The Democratic Years" by George Cooper and Gavan Daws

ALOHA & Have a Beautiful Day!


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