Hawaii's Notorious Burlesque Sweetheart, a Historian of Honolulu Burlesque presents her tassel-twirling exploits in Paradise! A collection of all things pertaining to Burlesque, Cabaret & Vaudeville in the State of Hawaii both past and present!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hawaii Burly History...continued!

Good Morning & Aloha!

Just got back from some shows on the Mainland and though I love the frenetic pace and meeting new people I always look forward to coming back home. I'm grateful every day for having the luck to be born and raised here in Hawaii Nei, and for being able to live, dance, create and work in one of the most beautiful and temperate places on the earth. 

Wanted to share a few more Hawaii Burlesque history photos and videos cause I've got Honolulu on the brain this morning. Enjoy! XOXO


Here's a very interesting collection of advertisements from the 50's-60's, Forbidden City and the like. Check out the advertisement for MISS SALLY RAND in the upper left corner!Wish I could have seen THAT!

Here is a link to a movie titled "Burlesque in Hawaii" also known as "Oriental Vanities." This movie admittedly leaves ALOT to be desired in several of the cinematic virtues but it does show off a view of older Hawaii in more innocent days.