Hawaii's Notorious Burlesque Sweetheart, a Historian of Honolulu Burlesque presents her tassel-twirling exploits in Paradise! A collection of all things pertaining to Burlesque, Cabaret & Vaudeville in the State of Hawaii both past and present!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

" A Seaside Mystery" - Did Mae West leave some grafitti behind in Hawaii?


It's an off and on rainy day here in Paradise, and so I'm inside, watching old movies and getting some serious inspiration!

One of my favorite sassy girls of the old era was Mae West, and believe it or not, Hawaii and Mae share not only a small bond, but a mystery as well! It seems she may have visited and left her mark on a local spot many many years ago!

The blog post I found below is a really intriguing read...maybe together we can solve this Hawaii Burlesque Mystery!


And of course, here's a photo of the lovely Mae in all of her finery...

The lovely Mae West in a beautiful and creative costume!

And here's a little clip of her one of a kind brand of acting and seduction:


Aloha & Enjoy!